Medical vs Non-Medical sensors for Medical Alert Systems

We often get questions about medical devices vs professional athletic devices for daily wellness monitoring… which sensors are best, last longest, most accurate? Professional athletics sensors (non-medical) are substantially better than medical devices for monitoring everyday life… here’s why: Comfort Wellness monitoring is about continuous monitoring for long durations. Accordingly, you want something light and…
older couple

Why should you monitor your wellness?

To stay healthy enough to be around for the people who love and need you. You get great results when you start wellness monitoring and you’re healthy to begin with. For instance, this kind of medical alert system is designed to show symptoms of problems as they’re developing. Our systems create visualizations from your sensor data…
old rotary phone

Medical alert systems… one occasion when older isn’t better

Remember these? Fewer and fewer people recognize these old rotary phones… like this 42 year old clunker. We just don’t use them anymore because technology got so much better, so much more convenient and capable. If you, or someone you love, are using push button medical alert systems that ring a call center then it’s…
medical alert monitoring

When is the right time for Wellness Monitoring?

Consider wellness monitoring as an addition to your lifestyle when you find yourself buying life insurance. Whereas your life insurance is passive protection for your loved ones and other interests, wellness monitoring is active protection for those same concerns. If you’re middle aged and the sole bread winner for your family, or have health complicating…